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Monday, January 31, 2005

Seymour Hersh, a true-believing Bush hater

Recently, I caught Seymour Hersh telling a huge lie.

Now I've found him admitting why he lies.
Seymour Hersh: About what's going on in terms of the President is that as virtuous as I feel, you know, at The New Yorker, writing an alternative history more or less of what's been going on in the last three years, George Bush feels just as virtuous in what he is doing. He is absolutely committed - I don't know whether he thinks he's doing God's will or what his father didn't do, or whether it's some mandate from - you know, I just don't know, but George Bush thinks this is the right thing. He is going to continue doing what he has been doing in Iraq. He's going to expand it, I think, if he can. I think that the number of body bags that come back will make no difference to him. The body bags are rolling in. It makes no difference to him, because he will see it as a price he has to pay to put America where he thinks it should be. So, he's inured in a very strange way to people like me, to the politicians, most of them who are too cowardly anyway to do much. So, the day-to-day anxiety that all of us have, and believe me, though he got 58 million votes, many of people who voted for him weren't voting for continued warfare, but I think that's what we're going to have.

It's hard to predict the future. And it's sort of silly to, but the question is: How do you go to him? How do you get at him? What can you do to maybe move him off the course that he sees as virtuous and he sees as absolutely appropriate? All of us - you have to - I can't begin to exaggerate how frightening the position is - we're in right now, because most of you don't understand, because the press has not done a very good job. The Senate Intelligence Committee, the new bill that was just passed, provoked by the 9/11 committee actually, is a little bit of a kabuki dance, I guess is what I want to say, in that what it really does is it consolidates an awful lot of power in the Pentagon - by statute now. It gives Rumsfeld the right to do an awful lot of things he has been wanting to do, and that is basically man hunting and killing them before they kill us, as Peter said. "They did it to us. We've got to do it to them." That is the attitude that - at the very top of our government exists. And so, I'll just tell you a couple of things that drive me nuts. We can - you know, there's not much more to go on with.

In other words, get Bush by any means necessary. That is Seymour Hersh's philosophy in a nutshell.

UPDATE: Max Boot of the LA Times agrees
Digging Into Seymour Hersh

You don't have to scratch too deeply to find an enormous reservoir of left-wing bias..... the journalistic equivalent of Oliver Stone: a hard-left zealot who subscribes to the old counterculture conceit that a deep, dark conspiracy is running the U.S. government. In the 1960s the boogeyman was the "military- industrial complex." Now it's the "neoconservatives." "They overran the bureaucracy, they overran the Congress, they overran the press, and they overran the military!" Hersh ranted at UC Berkeley on Oct. 8, 2004.....

.....It's hard to know why anyone would take seriously a "reporter" whose writings are so full of, in Ted Kennedy's words, "maliciousness and innuendo." That Hersh remains a revered figure in American journalism suggests that the media have yet to recover from the paranoid style of the 1960s.

What's the world coming to when a lunatic is viewed as a respected member of the Fourth Estate? Dan Rather, any comments?

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