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Monday, August 07, 2006

My Joe Lieberman Post

First posted at Dr. Sanity - "Joe Lieberman's Sin".

I welcome refutations of the factual observations I make in this piece. If the truth of it hurts you deeply, feel free to vent angrily. I'd love to post your unhinged rantings in a future post.

OK, I'll say it.

The Left is now mainstreaming the notion Israel is "a mistake." This comes months after normalizing the notion HAMAS and Hizballah want "to destroy Israel." They're fine with that. The Left thinks Israel's supporters are dupes of AIPAC and the "Jewish Lobby" of Walt and Mearsheimer. The Left buys into the old "dual loyalties" argument which plagues Jews only for some reason. Anyone can have mixed motivations, but if it's Jews somehow the term morphs into treasonous sounding "dual loyalties." The Left's major enemy these days is the "neocons" - codeword for Jews in power. Ever since the 1967 War and Israel's backtrack from socialism, the Left has been turning away from Israel. Leftist icons like Fisk, Raimondo, Kossholes, etc., believe Jews control America.

But worst of all, Lieberman is a practicing Jew. Few on the Left would admit that has anything to do with it. That's what all the arguments in the first paragraph are used for: dressing up anti-Semitism.

I support Israel because it angers all the bigoted scumbags on the Left. All this crap about "Jewish State" and "Apartheid State" ignores the fact every state ruled by Muslims is bigoted against non-Muslims. Israel allows non-Jews power in government. In other Arab-Muslim states there might be one or two legislated token Jews, and that's it.

If you're not angry yet, the modern Left is merely an extension of radical socialist organizations which have always demonized their opponents and usually tried to reeducate or exterminate them.

And before some leftist bigot asks, no, I'm not Jewish. I don't particularly like organized religion and I'm not of the "Jewish race" whatever that means.

But nothing makes me angrier than the disgusting bigots on the Left I've been debating for decades. What could possibly be worse than hypocritical, preachy, bigots?

To me, nothing.

UPDATE: links

Notice that Lanny Davis, linked last, seems to think Ann Coulter's biting sarcasm is on par with the vicious anti-Semitism so common on the "Progressive" Left. Until the Left honestly looks at what it's been for decades, and remains, only continued image scrubbing by the mainstream media can protect its political influence. Bringing Zuniga "Kos" into the public sphere while ignoring the views of his supporters is the best recent example. Relying on bigotry for support, then covering it up, is no way to run a big tent. I could list many examples from the CBC, or among other elected Democrats, but you know who they are. If someone can't decide between Hizballah and Israel, that person might be an anti-Semite.

UPDATE: The intellectual Left finally responds.

Here's a brilliant analysis of my arguments and the situation in Iraq weighing all the sectarian divisions, considering the nascent Arab democracy, America's foreign policy interests over the coming decades, and what our relations should be with the Iraqi government. Oh, who am I kidding? This is their typical kinky and scatological output.
Look, I don't know what the fuck Joe has done for you lately (precious bloody little, I bet) but his unwavering, Dubya-asslicking support for Iraq must make even people like you say 'what the fuck? vote for that brain-dead piece of crap again'? No way.
Lieberman's an idiot.

Thanks! Any more takers?


Anonymous said...

Look, I don't know what the fuck Joe has done for you lately (precious bloody little, I bet) but his unwavering, Dubya-asslicking support for Iraq must make even people like you say 'what the fuck? vote for that brain-dead piece of crap again'? No way.
Lieberman's an idiot.

SavtaDotty said...

I live in Israel as a loyal dual citizen (of the USA and Israel). I don't know which Uncle Sam phenomenon makes me more nervous: the knee-jerk anti-Zionist Left or the Christian-fundamentalist pro-Zionist Right. Missiles from Nasrallah scare me less.